Sergiu Celac

Sergiu Celac


Ambassador Sergiu Celac

Sergiu Celac, born on 26 May 1939, in Bucharest, cofounding member of the BSUF, member of the Board of Directors (since 1999), executive president (2008-2010). Diplomat (1961-2000) ranked as ambassador (1999), ex Minister of Foreign Affairs (1989-1990); Co-Director with acad. M. Malita for the “Mileniul III” journal (1999-2004), substitute general director of the International Institution of Studies on the Black Sea, Athens (2003-2007), main adviser of the National Center for Sustainable Development (2007-2013), Vice-president of the Romanian Association for the Club of Rome (2000-2006, 2008-).


Posted on

18 December 2018