The Institute of International Relations and Political Science „Ion I. C. Brătianu” of the Romanian Academy (ISPRI) launches in cooperation with external and internal partners, the first Laboratory of Information Warfare Analysis and Strategic Communication (LARICS).
LARICS operates within ISPRI as a constituent part of the Institute but with a specific separate agenda. The main purpose shall be to analyse/assess the internal and external events, the international press with specific reference made to Romania and Republic of Moldova in the context of discussions on media sector that in certain assessments have reached the dimension of „information warfare”
LARICS launched a portal specifically dedicated to these issues (, in order to initiate public debates on everything related to this field: analysis of the concepts, methods and public manipulation/communication techniques of the main components of information warfare. The portal is the first of its kind in Romania and will be a source and unique resource for the policy makers, specialized press, researchers interested in the phenomenon, students etc.
LARICS aims, through the portal relating thereto, to become also a source of “early warning” (avertizare timpurie) concerning possible public disinformation campaign started on the territory of the two states. In addition, LARICS will begin public information campaigns and a series of courses for journalists dedicated to these issues (actions of propaganda, disinformation, public manipulation and their identification, methods and counterstrategies etc.).
LARICS shall consist of a group of experts (Council of Experts) that will produce, based on raw materials supplied and published on the portal www.lacrisro, analyses or editorials dedicated to the phenomenon.
LACRIS appeals to those interested (institutions, individuals, etc.) to support and join our project. We are open and promote partnerships and collaboration with other institutions or individuals who share the same concerns. We also wish a fruitful effective partnership with the press in Romania and Republic of Moldova for the dissemination of our research results to a wider public.