Dan Dima

Dan Dima

dan-dimaDan Dima was born on 9 February 1974. He is licensed in law and he followed various specializations in the field of strategic communication and public diplomacy, including the Annenberg Institute (University of Southern California).

In 2012 Dan started the first applied studies on the possibility of implementation and operationalization of public diplomacy in Romania, and in 2014 published the book “New Diplomatic Practice – Public Diplomacy” work launched at the first Forum for Public Diplomacy organized in Romania.

Also, Dan Dima is founder of the Center for Public Diplomacy, an nongovernmental entities that held so far all four annual editions of the Forum for Public Diplomacy, some editions being held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania, events where have been present the most qualified specialists from USA, UK, Spain, Germany or China. In 2017, the Center for Public Diplomacy will organize 5th edition – the Forum for Public Diplomacy. At the same time, Dan represented Romania at the Wilton Park official meetings on public diplomacy.

Dan Dima has served as advisor to the Vice President of the Romanian Senate, the advisor to the Minister for three foreign ministers of Romania, adviser of the chief of staff of Romanian President and now he is senior adviser at the National Security Department of the Presidential Administration.

He is married and has two sons.


Posted on

18 December 2018